Integrated Systems Services, LLC, d/b/a Tone Klear Sonics located in East Hartford, Connecticut. In business as Tone Klear Sonics for 23 years, changed from C-Corporation to LLC in March 1999 and named Integrated Systems Services, LLC

ISS provides electronic communications and control services for their client base
, including system design, procurement, installation, programming, training, and service.

Primary mar
ket includes the public and private elementary and secondary schools in Connecticut. Sales are direct to the end user, bid process, and through the building and construction trades.

ISS is registered to do business in the State of Connecticut. We are registered with the Secretary of State, ID:0603300

ISS is registered to do business in the State of New Jersey. We are registered with the Department of the Treasury, ID:061-525-939/000

Memberships and Affiliations